
With Much {LOVE} And Gratitude

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I love this time of year.  Giving baked goods as gifts is one of my favorite things.  I love to bake and giving it away allows me to make others happy and maintain my waistline. 
On Thursday I baked 5 little loaves of zucchini bread and sent them to work with my husband as a treat for his co-workers on Friday.  We then made plans to visit with friends on Saturday night.  I just happened to have another zucchini, so I made 5 more loaves and brought a few with us to share with our friends.  Another friend dropped by with a housewarming gift and I just happened to have a loaf for her too! 
The recipe for these is so quick and easy I thought I'd share it with you today in case you'd like to bake some yourself.  I love making fun desserts, but sometimes you just want quick and easy.  This recipe requires no fancy equipment and is easy cleanup.  I got the recipe from the Foods teacher at my school.
All products used to dress up my zucchini bread are linked below
{affiliate links used}

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  1. I love the way you've dressed this up, so pretty!!

  2. What a beautiful gift, Kara! The recipe sounds fantastic ... thank you so much for sharing ...
    and where has this Coconut Husk ink been hiding? xx

  3. Such a sweet gift idea--your packaging looks fantastic! And thanks for passing along the recipe!


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