Question Number 8 was posted yesterday and I got a visual image of like an old carnival type mouth laughing and I really wanted to make my tag in that style. So, this is what I came up with and it too, made me laugh out loud!
A Pigerfly And A Cowcat
Friday, February 20, 2009
What Would You do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
All those things I dreamed of doing and becoming, but would need a few lifetimes to achieve! I'm still adding to it. It takes some time to remember all of those old, forgotten, and in some cases, abandoned dreams. It takes time, too, to remember all the new dreams that pop in and are too easily cast off as impossible or not destined for success. This was a fun one. I let myself doodle like I used to when I was in school.

Fun Clicks
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Home sick today. It is super windy outside. It sounds awesome. I had two goals for today. File mounding paperwork and take a bath. So far I have accomplished one. Can you guess which? Here is a collection of pretty things I have been looking at today. The first is from a Flickr photostream by marisapage615. I love her style. Especially this one and this one.

This next image is from a beautiful blog called ponderings. I love her art journal and scrapbook pages.

I have always had a thing for body art, from the silly to the artistic, I just love it.
Above: Emma HackBelow: Guido Daniele

And last, but not least is a print by Emily Falconbridge. She is selling all her prints at a reduced price and all proceeds go to her homeland in order to help those affected by the wildfires. Beautiful art for a good cause!
Have fun clicking around.
Have fun clicking around.

If I Could Do It All Again
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Would I Change Anything?
My inspiration this week came from Leonardo Da Vinci. I started thinking about all of his mechanical drawings in his many notebooks. All the brown tones and scribbled (backwards) notes. If he had figured out a way to make time travel possible, would I go back and do it all gain or change anything? Many times I have said to myself, "I wish I had done this.." "I wish I had done that...", but what it comes down to is, would I take a chance and risk giving up my present to correct things in my past? No Way! I am satisfied in knowing that I am learning from my mistakes.
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