Good Morning! It's Friday, any good plans? What do you do on New Year's Eve? We are having a small get together at our house tonight. Tomorrow we plan to go out to a nice dinner (early), rent movies, and be home by 8pm ish. We do this every year. We like to celebrate low key and be off the roads before people start drinking and driving. It's just not worth it to us to be out on New Year's Eve.
I have new cards and projects posted to the The File labeled #48. I'm trying to decide how I can reinvent this feature for the new year. I'd love to host some sort of challenge using one of the projects from the week or something. One of my goals for the new year though, is to spend less time online. I love to blog and look at all of the beautiful blogs, but sometimes I feel like I get home from work, before I know it I've killed two hours on the computer, eat dinner, walk the dog, and then it's 8:00. Maybe I'll have to set some rules for myself, like no blogging until after I exercise. We'll see, I'll have to think about this more:)
oh my...I love your Friday have so totally cool pins in there...had to become a follower of that board!